
Finding an inner anchor through digital art

Stan Adard, a graduate in social psychology and an educator, has long recognized the significance of breath in stress reduction. This insight, combined with years of meditation experience, has been a guiding force in Adard’s career, spanning over three decades as the owner and CEO of various IT companies. Adard’s passion lies at the intersection of humanity and technology, a fascination tracing back to the early days of computer innovation. Committed to exploring the use of art as a mindfulness tool, Adard employs a unique 4-dimensional digital brush, where time represents the fourth dimension, infusing his pictures and experimental art films with a palpable sense of breath and flow.

Read the full interview here:

Posted by Ralph Stucki

Mental Health Network Switzerland

astradream has been a member of the Mental Health Network Switzerland since December 2020. The Network Mental Health Switzerland (NPGS) serves the networking of its participants and promotes measures in the field of mental health promotion / reduction of mental illness. As many actors as possible should participate in this network. Through the network, contributions are made to improve the mental health of the Swiss population.

We are pleased to be a member of this network and to be able to make a small contribution with our Breathing Pictures, Breathing Walls and Breathing Rooms.

Breathing is life. Every single cell in our body needs oxygen to produce energy. Exhaling transports toxins and waste products out of our body. There exists a strong connection between breathing and our mental state. Within the natural instinct to fight our fears, control our thoughts, and to arrive at a deeper state of inner contemplation, conscious breathing plays a monumental part in this process.

Posted by Ralph Stucki


First private clinic with breathing pictures in Switzerland

For more than 20 years, the Swiss Escape Clinic in Schöftland has been successfully treating opiate dependency in patients who have sometimes traveled from far abroad for a scheduled withdrawal. The private clinic has now decided to exhibit and utilize a specific kind of artwork, designedly placed in the guests‘ lounge: a breathing picture by the Swiss artist Stan Adard. Breathing pictures are a new, digital art form. At first glance, they look like conventional abstract paintings. The more consciously and quietly one contemplates them, however, the more a gentle movement reveals itself—a movement which mimics the rhythmic breathing of the viewer.

Escape Clinic, Switzerland, relax room, breathing picture ‚Fire Place Mystery‘

What are ‚breathing pictures‘?

Breathing pictures are abstract, digital paintings to which the dimension of time has been added. This addition allows amorphous shapes to move, which Adard then uses for the gentle implementation of various respiratory rhythms.

The primary allure of this work lies in how a digital painting is inserted into a context where the viewer, passing by, initially perceives only an ordinary, static image. It takes a moment of rest to recognize the movements in the object of observation. After a short while, the viewer can adjust his or her own breath to the breathing pattern of the picture. Doing this, the breath becomes calmer and the digital painting can be experienced in its many facets. These works offer an intense visual experience, transcending the possibilities present in more conventional images.


About the artist

Stan Adard lives with his wife in Solothurn Kienberg. He studied social pedagogy and social psychology in Zurich. In the early 1980s, he took advantage of the burgeoning market for home computers to build a software company, which he sold in 2014. During these years, in the context of the demanding IT industry, he learned the importance of conscious breathing for a positive, well-balanced life.

In addition to his studies in Far Eastern meditation, Adard started to work with software that generates three-dimensional environments. Knowledge of the breath, and the ability to create three-dimensional, animated objects, have combined in the creation of breathing pictures. These breathing pictures have already been attracting international attention, most notably in the U.S.


Breathing pictures for relaxation

For Adard, conscious breathing, increased awareness, and art are intimately linked. The artist is delighted by the request of Escape Clinic to install a breathing picture in the meeting room. “As much as any private living room, a hospital provides an excellent environment for receiving the full impact of these digital mentors,“ he says. „I’m looking forward to seeing how people in troubled circumstances will react to the pictures.“

Fabian Stucki, Operative Director of the clinic against opiate dependence, is also attracted by the concept and the design of the works: „These images fit perfectly in our hospital. They bring a unique atmosphere of tranquility into our meeting room. “


Escape Clinic

The Escape Clinic, founded in 1996, specializes in a fast, gentle, and discreet egress from opiate addiction. In addition to providing an individually-structured withdrawal program that includes follow-up care, the clinic attaches great importance to maintaining a pleasant environment for its local and international guests.

Posted by Ralph Stucki


Bosch, Beiersdorf and Axpo (a big Swiss energy company) accompany their transformation into agile companies with executive training programs for mindfulness. After initial skepticism, the majority of the trainees are positive.

Find the German article here:

More about mindfulness in the economy from the Neue Züricher Zeitung (NZZ):



Posted by Ralph Stucki


For many of us, relaxation means zoning out in front of the TV at the end of a stressful day. But this does little to reduce the damaging effects of stress. To effectively combat stress, we need to activate the body’s natural relaxation response. The “Relaxation Response” was discovered and coined by AIS Founding Trustee and Fellow, Dr. Herbert Benson. The relaxation response is a physical state of deep rest that changes the physical and emotional responses to stress (e.g., decreases in heart rate, blood pressure, rate of breathing, and muscle tension).

Posted by moveadmin


astradream realize screen concepts and environments based on the breathing pictures™ of Swiss Artist Stan Adard  and supports these breathing projects in all aspects.

Breathing pictures

Place an image in the entrance area of your company or in a place where there are as many employees as possible. The sheer presence of the image will cause your employees to pause for a moment to see the respiratory movement.

With appropriate instructions your employees understand that it is important to adjust your own breath for a brief moment to the picture. And this makes them aware of their breathing.

Breathing Walls

If you have more space available, or your design concept allows it, a complete wall with a breathing picture is just the right thing. We support you in setting up and realizing the project.

Posted by moveadmin


In 2015, Forbes Magazine reported on stress-health connection studies headlined “Workplace Stress Responsible For Up To $190B In Annual U.S. Healthcare Costs.”
Long and late work hours, high intensity work, the need to manage across borders, unprecedented rates of change caused by technology and organization, and many other forces have a tremendous impact on employees. Thus, companies of any size have recognized that employee health and motivation are important cost factors in running their businesses.
“It’s high time companies start giving back to their employees – and we’re not referring to a plate of cookies or stale croissants every other year.” Abigail Thorpe,, Oct. 2015

Doctors, dentists, and lawyers can easily counter clients’ anxieties by installing breathing pictures in waiting rooms.


Posted by moveadmin